Amateur Radio Emergency Services Association (ARES)


Licensed HAM supporting Non-Profit Agencies (Level 1)
The Amateur Radio Emergency Service (ARES) consists of licensed amateurs who have voluntarily registered their qualifications and equipment for communications duty in the public service when disaster strikes. 
Every licensed amateur, regardless of membership in ARRL or any other local or national organization, is eligible for membership in ARES.  The only qualification, other than possession of an Amateur Radio license, is a sincere desire to serve.  Because ARES is an amateur service, only amateurs are eligible for membership.  The possession of emergency-powered equipment is desirable, but is not a requirement for membership.  Below are the three of the four elements that we will be focusing upon.
  1. Training in key areas and providing additional information for those seeking it
  2. Field communications exercises with after-action reviews
  3. Team building
ARES Application
After completing the ARES application please attach to an email and send to the ARES County Emergency Coordinator (Ed Nance:   Thanks!
Sumter County ARES Application:  Word Doc

Licensed ARES Ham supporting Emergency Communications and Non-Profit Agencies (Level 2)

   4. The fourth element is meeting the minimum requirements for organizations that one would be supporting.

Currently none of the Agencies (Hospitals, Florida Public Health, American Red Cross, Salvation Army) that we support require the background check and ICS courses.  However, it does not mean that sometime, in the future, that they may be required.

Below is the process if a requirement is added.

The Sumter County ARES unit may answer local requests for emergency communication augmentation received from local government emergency managers or non-government organizations utilizing resources according to their own response plan. Local counties, municipalities, and other public and private served agencies may have volunteer requirements to include fingerprinting, drug testing, and other background information necessary for the safety and security under NIMS compliance standards. Those ARES members wishing to work as a volunteer in these organizations fall under the requirements those organizations set. The ARRL ARES program does not provide funding for security or background check nor does it specify what these organizations may require; however the below listed organizations cover that cost.

ARES maintains an active relationship with Sumter County Emergency Management, The Villages Hospital, and The Villages Public Safety and if requested can respond to meet Emergency Communications needs.  All of these organizations utilize a Tier 1 Background Check (criminal only) using the Social Security number as a part of the application process.  These organizations pay for the cost of the check.   If using a Social Security number is a problem, it is suggested that one lock his/her credit down at the three credit agencies before completing the application process. 

For The Villages Public Safety and Sumter County Emergency Management, contact Ed Nance ( for information on the application process.

Online Training (Level 2)

After completing the application process and acceptance, there is a six month period for completing the three online courses that Sumter County Emergency Management and The Villages Public Safety require.  Currently, the Villages Hospital does not but that may change at some point.  Many of you have already done one or more of the courses.  Present a copy of your certification, hardcopy or electronically, for credit.  A link is on the three courses that complete the minimum requirement.

IS-100  Introduction to Incident Command System Online-Self Entry Level Both
IS-200  ICS for Single Resources and initial Action Incidents* Online-Self Entry/Team Leader Villages Public Safety
IS-300  Intermediate ICS for Expanding Incidents Class Room Group Leader  
IS-400 Advanced ICS for Command and General Staff Class Room Group Leader  
IS-700  National Incident Management System (NIMS) An Introduction Online-Self Entry Level Both
IS-800  National Response Framework, An Introduction   Entry Level Online-Self Team Leader  

At this point you would satisfy all the minimum requirements, had some extra training, and completed a couple of exercises.


 Last Update:  06/28/2018    © Copyright Sumter County ARES. All Rights Reserved.